Safety Pass

A new way to Webacy

In March of 2024, we released our first Safety Pass in collaboration with Magic Eden.

The Safety Pass enables two year's access to Webacy Pro to holders.

Benefits: Webacy Pro provides you with Safety Scoring and scanning on the entire lifetime of your wallet (detect suspicious transactions and wallets, as well as bad approvals that you can also revoke natively in our dashboard). Pro also enables unlimited Wallet Watching (monitoring) across as many wallets as you own, and across Ethereum Mainnet, Solana, Polygon, Optimism, and Arbitrum activity (with more chains to come). Finally Pro gives you the ultimate power of a Panic Button, where you're able to evacuate your assets from your wallet in the event of a hack or compromise.

Webacy Safety Pass also gives you early access to all of our new product feature launches - including Solana, as well as our upcoming Safe Swap product announced in conjunction with Blast.

Webacy Safety Pass users also receive additional benefits on Webacy's Safety Leaderboard - by holding our NFT pass, you are embracing the ultimate protection on your wallet, and you will receive points multipliers and additional surprise benefits throughout your holder journey with us.

Community Partnerships

Webacy is making a safer Web3 for everyone, including your community. We've partnered with dozens of the top communities in crypto to provide their holders and members with the safety they need to navigate freely.

If you'd like to bring the safety services of Webacy to your community, reach out to a Webacy team member on Discord or email us at

Last updated